Our Community

Haiti remains the poorest nation in the western hemisphere.

That is why care has expanded beyond education, medical, and spiritual needs. When a concern arises, Mountain Top Ministries does whatever is possible to rise to the challenge. The basic needs for all humans are water, food, and shelter, and MTM is committed to providing these, as well.


Willem knew there could not be a lunch program for the school without water. In fact, he also could not properly and effectively build in the community without water. Water is life... it would bring a higher quality of life to the village allowing them to have access to clean water for their families, as well as for their farms and livestock.

In late 2000, a natural spring was presented to Willem, believed to be “cursed” because of the voodoo practice that existed there. Planning began to create a water committee, a dam, and two-inch pipe to lay throughout the village for water to gravity-feed from the source. A 60,000-gallon cistern was also built to collect the overflow which would provide water for the school.


Food distributions are conducted periodically, specifically to widows, to help alleviate nutritional need. Immediately after the 2010 earthquake, MTM was successful at distributing tons of food and supplies to thousands in the local area and surrounding villages.


Mountain Top Ministries and faithful travelers have helped many families build homes. Typically, local families are expected to participate in the process both with labor and, to a minimal degree, with the financial cost. When there is a need, a team can help raise money and work alongside the future homeowners for a rewarding experience of creating a secure shelter for a family in need.

Other Areas of Greatest Need

We are always in need of individuals with education and training who are interested in traveling to assist with needs in the communities MTM serves. These are some of the areas expertise is needed:

  • Mechanics to keep vehicles running efficiently

  • Traveling teachers mentoring local teachers to help with new curriculum or projects

  • Medical care at the clinic, and visiting care for those who cannot make it to the clinic

  • Vacation Bible School activities and materials to teach within a classroom

  • Building more secure roads

  • Dry rice feedings in Gramothe and Dumay

  • Electricity brought to the villagers of Gramothe

  • A roof for the Dumay high school building

  • Construct new lunch benches, doors, desks, and shelves for the schools