Our Schools

Mountain Top Ministries’ schools graduate students with some of the highest rankings of success. Once a student completes grade 13, they are required to take a Haitian national exam. Each year, MTM students have some of the highest passing rates of all schools in the region, or the West Department. In fact, the school is known for its academics and discipline. Because of this, students from hours away seek enrollment to further their academic capabilities.


On a regular basis, around 92% of the MTM graduating students pass the Haitian national exam!

This rate of success is remarkable considering the West Department passing rate is 40% and the National passing rate is 47%.

Your sponsorship ensures that Mountain Top Ministries can remain one of the best schools in the country with its excellent teachers, a strong academic rigor, and students with a disciplined work ethic!

Today, over 1200 students attend school in Gramothe and Dumay, a second location that opened in 2003. 

Students at MTM come from all around the region. Initially, the main goal was to cover the Gramothe and Dumay regions. As the schools have been able to expand, students now travel from Petionville, Port au Prince, and from small towns in nearby regions. Amazingly, there are a few students who travel three to four hours one way to attend school!


Gramothe School

The first Mountain Top Ministries school opened in Gramothe during the fall of 1999, providing education for students Pre-K through 4th grade. The school was housed in a single building that doubled as the village church. Within two years, 12 classrooms were built into the mountainside to meet the needs of the growing number of students. 

In 2008, with help from Canadian donors, Mountain Top Ministries constructed and opened the MTM Gramothe High School to accommodate students in 7th through 9th grades. Each subsequent year another grade was added to complete the school for graduation at grade 13.



Dumay School

In 2004, Mountain Top Ministries purchased property in the village of Dumay and opened a Pre-K through 6th grade school. A high school at the Dumay location was constructed and opened in the fall of 2015. Both schools provide a hot lunch program, quality education, and healthcare services, placing them among some of the highest-ranking schools in Haiti.

The Dumay high school building is still in need of a strong and secure roof. During the rainy season, water will seep into the classrooms, causing instability in the structure. We are still trying to raise funds and gather a few travelers to complete the placement of this roof!


Trade School

On November 5, 2018, Mountain Top Ministries Trade School officially opened! Students start their day by attending academic classes until mid-afternoon. Once those are done, the trade school students continue learning their technical trades including plumbing, electrical, welding, and construction. These students will graduate with an academic diploma AND with a trade that improves their chances for immediate employment. This academic achievement gives our students an improved quality of life and enhances the community where they live.

Required Curriculum of Haitian Government

Mountain Top Ministries follows the required academic curriculum of the Haitian Government. Mandatory classes include math, science, and language. Each student will graduate from an MTM school having learned five languages: Haitian Creole, French, English, Spanish, and Latin.

Where Are Our Graduates Today?









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Business Owners

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Tile Workers


Doctors & Nurses

