Get Involved


Visit Haiti!

You can join, organize, or lead a short-term mission team to serve at Mountain Top Ministries. Teams can work at the MTM Gramothe Medical Clinic, specialize with teaching and assisting in the classroom, or help with ongoing construction projects. Often, teams are blended, as well, where the medical clinic is fully running and the saws are buzzing through boards nearby. We can always use more hands on deck! Contact the MTM office for dates on upcoming trips, or be sure to watch our social media for more information.

When you join a team, whether it be medical, construction, or teaching, any and all are welcome. If you have a servant heart, we can use your time and talents. Groups can be as small as seven to eight people, or as large as 30. 

You will stay at the Thomassin Guest House while in Haiti. It is located in the mountains about 45 minutes from the Port-Au-Prince airport. The Guest House has four rooms with bunk beds, one room with a double bed, and three full bathrooms to provide comfortable accommodations for up to 30 guests. The large dining area enables buffet-style meals to be enjoyed together, and which are cooked by wonderful Haitian women. A television and DVD player are available for movie watching, as well as a piano for those who play. The outside balcony and newly renovated seating space allows guests to enjoy the mountain-top view and starry night skies. Best of all, the Guest House overlooks the MTM campus in the village of Gramothe which is less than a 3-mile hike away.

What Do I Pack?

  • Once you have established a travel date, an MTM Travel Guide will be sent to you. In the meantime, here is some general information.

    • Your team leader will share details and limitations regarding baggage prior to your departure.

    • We often suggest you use one checked bag and/or carry on for your own clothes and personal items, and use the other bag to bring supplies.

    • In very few situations, your luggage may not arrive when you do. It is advised that you carry personal items in your carry on especially if you need to wait a day before the bag does arrive. 

  • Electric current is the same in Haiti as it is in North America. However, it is not always available or plentiful so be mindful when packing appliances.

  • Wireless Internet is available at the Guest House for use with your personal devices.


The greatest gifts you can give are your time, talents, and treasures.

Maybe you want to travel and serve our friends in Haiti. Maybe you are unable to travel but want to assist by sponsoring a student, or contribute to an area of greatest need. Your time, your talents, and your treasures create an immediate and significant impact on a country riddled with poverty. You can help change the course of a nation.


Help tell our story!

There are many ways you can tell others about how God is changing a nation, one village at a time through Mountain Top Ministries. You can help us engage others to get involved through a fundraiser, join a traveling team, or sponsor a student. Even more, Willem will often visit churches and groups to be your guest speaker and share his story, firsthand.


By becoming a Student Sponsor, you are immediately enriching the life of a student as well as their family.

When a student becomes educated, it doesn’t stop there. The student brings their education to the family. The family can then share this with the village. When many families in a village have this new knowledge, the community can learn how to become self sustainable, and on and on. That is how you can change a nation from being impoverished to prosperous!